Our first walk as a family on Easter Sunday!
Week two with the twins went by too quickly. I cannot believe they will be three weeks old on the 28th!
We had our first infectious experience this week. Aiden's eyes were completely matted shut when he woke up one morning. Though it is common for newborn's tear ducts to be immature, we treated him with an ointment for pink eye, and within a few days, his eyes were clear again. I am so thankful, too, because as a new mom, it broke my heart to not see Aiden open his eyes fully for a few days. Now, he and Owen both are staring and checking out the world around them more often. Since Aiden's eyes were infected, we laid low this week and had fewer visitors (thanks for understanding!).
Both boys gained weight: Aiden joined the 5 lb. club, and Owen is in the mid-high 6 lb. range. Kyle and I finally have a decent sleep schedule down; the first time I slept about four hours consecutively felt amazing! Sometimes, we fall off our "routine," but we are just trying to take everything day by day. We do not want to become too flustered that we miss any opportunities to fully enjoy each day with these boys as little as they are now!
Celebrating Easter with our twins was an absolute joy! Uncle Cole made it home for the weekend, too, which was extra special. With warmer temperatures, we managed to go on our first walk as a family - something I have been looking forward to for a while! Our little family looked pretty good strolling around the neighborhood with the awesome double stroller my aunts gave to us at my shower! Earlier this week, Kyle managed to get me out of the house to catch some fresh air and to walk for the first time in months! It will take me a few more weeks to build my endurance back up, but I am thankful to be able to move again.
My love and appreciation for Kyle has grown on a totally new level. To no surprise, he has been the most supportive, hands-on dad. With two little bundles, my mommy role is nonstop, and every diaper he changes and blanket he swaddles gives me an extra moment to breathe. Kyle and I have one more week together before he goes back to work, so I am going to enjoy his time at home as much as I can before I am "on my own." Thank goodness summer is right around the corner!
Waiting at the doctor's office!
Sweet Aiden after his eyes cleared up!
Play time!
Owen sporting his baby Converse!
We love how the boys will sleep in the exact same positions! They were definitely wombmates!